0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s059308 (165 points)

Dear Team,

I need to push SMS messages to participants in my research weekly. Those should contain links to individualised pages, which contain graphs. The SMS messages should be pushed based on participant actions: 1st SMS: prompt to open link, 2nd SMS sent if link not opened. Is this possible within SoSci?
Last: can I feed csv data in SoSci and appliy code, which produces graphs and fills in placeholder messages on survey pages?

I hope these are not too many questions :) At best, I would prefer a phone consultation, with the respective associated charges (quote), of course.

Thank you in advance

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (316k points)
selected by s059308
Best answer

SMS are send via the mailing feature, so everything that is possible with mailings is possible with SMS as well.

The SMS messages should be pushed based on participant actions

This is accomplished by using mailSchedule().

Last: can I feed csv data in SoSci and appliy code

How to accomplish that is explained here: Database for Contents

Regarding the graphs, JavaScript-based graphs with Chart.js are a good option. And this, will work fine with placeholders ...

and fills in placeholder messages on survey pages?

... which are explained here: Placeholders

At best, I would prefer a phone consultation

The online support is free. We can offer third-level telephone support (as well as professional implementation service) at a rate of 135 € plus tax per hour.

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