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in SoSci Survey (English) by s155339 (110 points)

Dear Team,

I built the website using the demo's codes but has 11 spokes links, however, the links to the spokes pages in the hub page are not responding. Don't know if I need to change the PHP code or not. I didn't change the PHP code for now, and that works for only 4 spokes links. Is it possible for me to build a website with 11 spoke links?

Thank you!

by SoSci Survey (334k points)
Would you mind, adding your PHP code to the question?

Please, also specify what the "spokes links" look like.
by s155339 (110 points)
I used the exact same php code as in the demo (I didn't change anything, this is the PHP code we use for the hub page: https://github.com/joon-e/OSEM/blob/master/sosci/hub.php
and this is the PHP code we use for the spoke page: https://github.com/joon-e/OSEM/blob/master/sosci/spoke.php),
As for the spoke pages, they are all HTMLs. We have built a mock up news website that in the hub page, participants can see the preview of each news story (essentially 11 news stories) and each spoke page is one news story, so that participants can click on the preview of the hub page to see the entire news story in each of the 11 spoke pages.  

Hope that make sense! Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
by s033222 (140 points)

Hi, can you please contact me via unkel@ifkw.lmu.de with the exact code you used, then I'll have a look.

Best regards

Julian Unkel

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