0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s154123 (255 points)

Dear Socisurvey team,

I would like to know whether I am able to see how many time my participant click on each page or not.
In my experiment, I have 6 resumes on each page. the participants should enlarge each item by clicking on them .one by one and then rank them. Therefore, I would need to know how many times they click on each page.

here is the link for my pretest:

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (316k points)

I would like to know whether I am able to see how many time my participant click on each page or not.

Not unless you collect that information. On way to do so was to create an internal variable (e.g., IV01_01) and use this PHP code on a specific page:

if (getRoute() == 'next') {
  put('IV01_01', (int)value('IV01_01') + 1);

For other pages, use additional internal variables (IV01_02, etc.)

Please ignore the warning about having no response for IV01_01 that is displayed in the admin mode when running the page for the first time.

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