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in SoSci Survey (English) by s090021 (120 points)


Is there an option to include a "teaching" session when participants get feedback when they do right or wrong prior to the main rounds of IAT? For example like here: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/featuredtask.html

Thank you!

1 Answer

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by SoSci Survey (330k points)

As soon as the IAT at the above URL starts, I do not see any Feedback going beyond the red cross if something is assigned wrong.

If you mean this feedback, this it what the original literatur about the IAT describes and what the IAT on SoSci Survey implements. This feedback is mandatory for training and test rounds alike.

If you would like to include further explanations, you can do so in the questionnaire.

by s090021 (120 points)
Thank you!

No, I am talking about a different thing: when respondents (not the questionnaire designer) sees when he responds correctly and incorrectly. In this session, respondents are learning how IAT works and what are the expectations from them. Usually, this "training" block is included as a part of the main session, before the main blocks.
For example like here: https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/featuredtask.html
by s090021 (120 points)
In the literature, it is also called "Forced error correction ".
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
Yes, this is the default in the IAT - and this is in all blocks, not only in the training blocks.
by s090021 (120 points)
edited by s090021
I am sorry, but I think you incorrectly understand my question.

  "Forced error correction " cannot be implemented in all rounds because what would be the point of randomization then? The idea of the training round before the main ones is to teach participants how to work with this survey element so that in the main rounds their responses will not be skewed by not knowing what they are supposed to do in this survey.

This is a super-critical component of IAT, as well it is discussed in the major studies on IAT as an important preparatory round before the major ones. Because one needs to make sure that he can isolate the effect from “pushing a button not knowing what to do in the survey” from “implicit attitudes”. Otherwise, responses will produce a mess that cannot be interpretable.

In the link I posted earlier in the IAT part of the survey you will have a training session that explains you what to do (I am not talking about the instruction, because written instructions proved to be not enough to explain people what to do in the IAT).
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
I think we are talking about the same: If you push the wrong button, you see a red cross, and must push the right button in order to continue. Right?

If that is not what you mean, please describe in detail what the respondent shall see.
by s090021 (120 points)
Right! Exactly, thank you!

Could you please guide me on how to activate this function? Or will it appear only when I buy an add-on?

Thank you again for your responses
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
There is no IAT module in the free version, but you can enable a free 7-day trial in the shop (www.soscisurvey.de/shop/). After buying the implicit methods module or enabling its trial, please create a new question "IAT" in a section of your choice.
by s090021 (120 points)

So I ve activated the IAT module, could you please explain me how it works (yes, I looked through the faq at the corresponding page, unfortunately, there is no detailed information there).

How should I attribute pictures to the correct column on the questions page? When will I see the red cross? I was thinking that when the module gets activated (today in my case), I will see the red cross automatically in the questions, but I do not see one.

If I am correct, the 7-day trial period automatically activated on the date that I listed when checked out, right? I am asking because I do not see any difference yet. I have created the questions before booking the module.

Will be very grateful for your guidance.
by SoSci Survey (330k points)
You have 2 dimensions in an IAT each with two poles/ends, and each pole/end is symbolized by words and/or images. One dimension usually is the evaluative one, and you usually use the predefined words as representation. And they you noeed stimuli to represent the other dimension.

That's all you need to enter in the IAT (into the 2x8 fields). And then you can watch the complete IAT procedure including the red cross in the preview below, as you categorize each stimulus.

Please make sure the the question typ is "Implicit Association Test (IAT)" and nothing else.

> am asking because I do not see any difference yet.

You have to create a new question with eactly that question type.

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