0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s122862 (120 points)


I`d like to assess language production by including audio recordings in my questionnaire. I managed to set the START - STOP recording bar showing 100% after clicking STOP, but it seems to be confusing that the recording does not show any type of visual evidence (e.g. a spectrogram) DURING the recording.

Is there any way to provide for visual approval of the audio recordings?

Thank you very much!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (316k points)

Is there any way to provide for visual approval of the audio recordings?

If you like to go into the depths of JavaScript audio programming, you can add something like that: JavaScript Spectrogram

The audio recorder is using the Web Audio API to record the contents and store it as a binary object (to be transfered to SoSci Survey). You can access that object at any time and do whatever visualization you need.

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