+1 vote
in FAQs by s099875 (115 points)
retagged by SoSci Survey

My data is automatically archived

Due to the fact that I could not continue my experiments for 3 months in the corona period, the project was archived even though the last study, I was working on, was not finished. Therefore, my data has been deleted. Can you please help me for recovery?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)

If you are working on www.soscisurvey.de, it may be possible to restore the data from the server backups. For 7 days, daily backups are kept, for 12 months at least monthly backups.

After 12 months the backups are deleted according to our privacy policy. Data deleted on SoSci Survey for more than 12 months cannot be restored from the backup.

Extracting the project data and integrating it into the active database is very time-consuming. In order not to unnecessarily tie up resources, we only restore data if it is really worth the effort. To ensure this, we expect one of the following two compensations for the recovery from the backup:

  • Either you donate an amount of at least 60 € to a non-profit organization of your choice and send us a donation receipt as confirmation.
  • Or you translate a chapter of the SoSci Survey manual from German into English.

In any case, please contact us in advance by e-mail to info@soscisurvey.de and state which project it is about and when the data was deleted.


Since the GDPR, personal data (mailing address list and separately collected contact data) are stored separately from the data collected in the questionnaire. The backups of personal data are deleted after only 1 month. After this period, it is no longer possible to restore the mailing address list (incl. opt-in) and separately collected contact data.

The above information is still valid for the recovery of other data collected in the questionnaire on www.soscisurvey.de. Here, a recovery is usually possible within 12 months after deletion of the data.

This is a translation from:
Kann ich gelöschte Daten aus der Befragung wiederherstellen?

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