0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s139701 (210 points)

Is it possible to get an e-mail confirmation every time a respondent submits the questionnaire? Which information contains the email? (links to statistics, etc.)

I also understand that currently one can download the data only in Spss or Csv formats. What abour GNU R or SQL?


1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (316k points)

Is it possible to get an e-mail confirmation every time a respondent submits the questionnaire?

Yes, please the PHP command mailSend() on the last questionnaire page.

Which information contains the email? (links to statistics, etc.)

Whatever you define in the mailSend() command.

I also understand that currently one can download the data only in Spss or Csv formats. What abour GNU R or SQL?

Yes, SoSci Survey also supports downloding the collected data for GNU R (download or API-import) and SQL (database dump).

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