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in SoSci Survey (English) by s139455 (190 points)

Just launched a survey on s2survey.net and enabled an API URL (CSV for R) with the "Context: Interview" option. However, the API doesn't seem to be working, it responds with the message "Access denied for data".

Any ideas?

Many thanks.

by SoSci Survey (335k points)
Could you please check id this is a shared project, i.e., multiple people have access to the survey? If that is the case, you may lack the checkmark for "download data".
by s139455 (190 points)
Yes, it's a shared project and I have limited access. I can create API URLs but I cannot e.g. access the "Download Data" section. Maybe the API URLs need to be created by someone who does have access to data?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

Maybe the API URLs need to be created by someone who does have access to data?

Yes, this shall solve the issue.

We will check why SoSci Survey does not throw an error message earlier, but allows to create an API URL at all. Thanks for the note!

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