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in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s093610 (170 points)

Hi everyone,

I have a problem with the "next" button. The first pages of the questionnaire work perfectly fine and then, after 8 pages or so, the "next" button does not do anything.

Do you have any idea how I might solve this problem?

Thanks in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (308k points)

There may be different causes for such a problem. Please use the debug information to get additional information.

If there is no response at all (no change in the debug information), it is most likely a problem with the HTML code. Maybe some HTML code on the page closes the <form> tag (although it should not) or some other HTML code lacks a quotations mark where one would be necessary.

If there is anything in the debug information, please post it here.

If there is nothing in the debug information, please post a pretest URL that starts on the page with the problem.

Please also post any PHP code that you may have used on the trouble page.

by s093610 (170 points)
Thanks for your answer. I went through the survey in the debug mode and it works, there are no warning messages so far.... But in the normal mode, it does not work... I have no idea...

Additionally, I have a message on only a few pages stating "Please click into the colored area of the picture" and I don't know where to change / delete this message.
by SoSci Survey (308k points)
> But in the normal mode, it does not work...

Te questionnaire should (very sure) work the same in the debug mode and when using it via URL. Please check if you have two different questionnaires in your project (listed in the navigation), and you are testing the one while running the other.

> Please click into the colored area of the picture

I am quite sure that this message is not created by SoSci Survey itself, but was added in the survey project (as a text or question etc.) You will have to go into detail (which question of which question type in what context) including the debug information, so I can give you a qualified answer.

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