I'm aware this question has been asked a few times already, but after reading the answers to those questions we tried to implement the suggestions and keep encountering problems.
Our questionnaire contains one question (type: Schieberegler) that is supposed to have 121 items. Because this is not possible in SoSciSurvey, we divided the items across two questions (in our case 'HF06' (55 items) and 'HF07' (66 items), see code below). We would like to randomise the order in which those items are presented to each participant, and then display the items across a few separate pages (e.g., 4).
It seems like combining the items and randomising them is working, but when we try to display all questions (still on one page), the first two items are displayed correctly, but thereafter the Schieberegler isn't displayed correctly (instead of just a line where participants can select how much they like an item, 11 discrete circles are displayed on top of that line).
Thanks for taking the time! If it isn't too much work, I'd be very grateful if you could also provide the code for displaying the items across several pages. Thanks again,
The code is:
$items06 = getItems('HF06');
$items07 = getItems('HF07');
foreach ($items06 as $val) {
$allQ[] = ['id' => $val, 'list' => 'HF06'];
foreach ($items07 as $val) {
$allQ[] = ['id' => $val, 'list' => 'HF07'];
foreach ($allQ as $ques) {