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in SoSci Survey (English) by s083603 (130 points)

The starting URL, which provider sends to respondents: https://www.soscisurvey.de/localness_project1/?r=3-Aj9x9AVH

The redirect link, which I got: http://www.infovalidator.com/ic/survey.php?autoAnswer[292697][0]=0&encID=%encID%

I suppose, when the redirect link is called it should look as following:http://www.infovalidator.com/ic/survey.php?autoAnswer[292697][0]=0&encID=3-Aj9x9AVH

However, in reality %encID% does not get replaced by 3-Aj9x9AVH.

Is the starting URL composed correctly?

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related to an answer for: Redirect link

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (305k points)

The starting URL, which provider sends to respondents:


Great, then you won't need no readGET() or "Client and transmitted variables" question at all, as r= stores the respondent ID into the REF variable.

In this case use this PHP command to do your redirect (the %reference% placeholder is preset automatically):


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