0 votes
in Datenauswertung by s113010 (130 points)
edited by SoSci Survey

we have sent out a survey with individualized links. As agreed with the respondents, we would like to link the url/token we have sent out with the responses. However, in the downloaded data I do not find any information on the link which was used for each interview. How can I get this information?
Thanks a lot,

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
selected by s113010
Best answer

When importing the email addresses, you choose the privacy mode. Only if the mode "person-related" is chosen, it is possible to link the data to the addresses.

If the wrong mode was chosen, please contact us at info@soscisurvey.de - and speak to the data protection officer of your university, because it seems you are about to work with person-related data (see DSGVO/GDPR).

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