0 votes
in Methoden-Fragen by s125166 (110 points)

Hello I have 4 experiemental groups and 3 stimuli material as listed below:

Political Party A Populist Message 1
Political Party A NonPopulist Message 1
Political Party B Populist Message 1
Political Party B Non Populist Message 1

Political Party A Populist Message 2
Political Party A NonPopulist Message 2
Political Party B Populist Message 2
Political Party B Non Populist Message 2

Political Party A Populist Message 3
Political Party A NonPopulist Message 3
Political Party B Populist Message 3
Political Party B Non Populist Message 3

I first want to randomize my groups but also lets say if someone is assigned to Political Party A Nonpopulist message 1, I want this person to see political party A nonpopulist message 2 and 3 in the next pages and keep one respondent in the same groups throughout. How Can I make this happen?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (305k points)

All you need is a random generator with 4 codes.

As soon as you have the code, you can show the appropriate message on every of the three pages.

For the necessary PHP code, please start here: Randomization: Randomize Stimulus

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