0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s116799 (120 points)

I am trying to program a single questionnaire as to be sent to participants in two waves. I tried to use the mailResume command but I need an id for the category "mailing" and I can't find it (you activated the mailings function but cannot find any code I could include in the syntax):

mailResume(caseSerial(),XXX, 1 * 3600);

Also, I do not get quite well how this can be used in combination with the buttonHide function...Could you help me out?

On another note, I tried to center the images I inserted for my experimental treatments and include commands such as "margin" but the button "next" is still too far below the image...any clue how can I fix that?
Thanks, Laia

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

I need an id for the category "mailing"

Please create a mailing in Invotation Mailing -> Mailings.

When stored, you will see an ID for this mailing in the above menu.

Also, I do not get quite well how this can be used in combination with the buttonHide function...

Well, the manuel Example: Pause Between Survey Waves gives a start. Could you possibly specify your question a bit further?

I tried to center the images I inserted for my experimental treatments and include commands such as "margin" but the button "next" is still too far below the image...

Depends on how you embedded the image. Please feel free to add some HTML code to your question.

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