0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s111349 (110 points)


I have used SoSci for quite a while now and I am very satisfied with the website and the services you offer, thank you so much for this!

I have downloaded the dataset multiple times, I just have this problem now that when I try download the data an error comes up saying:

'Fatal error: Question module text must define a input type if it provides inputs in /var/www/soscisurvey/html/lib/s2survey/questions/QuestionGenerator.php on line 1944'

Do you know what might be the problem here and how to cope with it?
I would very much appreciate any help offered on this matter.

Kind regards,

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (331k points)

Okay, that is new... We have installed a workaround, but I cannot rule out that an invalid Variable will appear in the data set. That would be variable with the ID of a text input question - although text inputs questions do not have variables themselves, only their items (=inputs).

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