0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s127218 (125 points)

Is there a way to subscribe to get notifications when a new version of SoSci Survey is released?
That would avoid the need for us to check periodically if a new version / bug fix /security upgrade exists.

Thank you,
Eva Pujadas

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (334k points)
selected by s127218
Best answer

There are only few official releases (about one per year) for two reasons: Firstly, we were lucky having very few security issues that necessarily demand an update. Secondly, creating an official release takes some efforts, and we prefer to spend the most of our time in developing new features.

The new features, then, are often relevant for few survey projects only, therefore most researchers are quite happy with staying with a version for a while.

If a new version is released or if there is a security issue, we send an email to all licence customers (educational and commercial software licences). Therefore please make sure that the technical contacts that were told us when ordering the annual licence are up to date.

Aside the official releases, we also provide interim updates upon request. This is the software version running on www.soscisurvey.de, including the latest features, but these especially may contain one software bug or another. If you are interested in the latest features, please write an email to info@soscisurvey.de.

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