0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s116940 (110 points)

Dear Mr./Ms,

I am contacting you with a clarifying question, just to make sure I fully understand the previous answer I received on this. Thank you for your patience!

I have run a survey using soSciSurvey. Now I need a tool to help me with simple descriptive statistics (e.g. counting particular answers) and visualizations. Is is possible to have such a tool for a survey developed with sosSciSurvey and not using s2survey.net? if so, is it possible to use it after the data collection ended?

Thank you very much in advance!

With best regards,
Madalina Rogoz

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (326k points)

If you are using s2survey.net, there is a very basic analysis module that will present you descriptive statistics (frequencies, means, ...). This works directly in SoSci Survey.

If not, then you will need some external tools to do the job. Tools supported by SoSci Survey are SPSS, R, Stata and (by means of data downloaded as CSV file) Excel, Jamovi, and nearly any other statistical software. These are external tools from other providers that are not specific for SoSci Survey, but well suited to analyse the data collected with SoSci Survey.

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