0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s059651 (120 points)

Dear Support Team,

our Project is already finished and has the Status Archiv. Is it possible to get data from this Project? We Need some open answers which we get in a spss file only as ???.

Thank you very much,
Stefanie Morgenroth

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (304k points)

When a project is archived, the collected data is deleted. Two emails are sent to the project administrators in advance, highlighting that deletion.

For projects that were run on www.soscisurvey.de, backups going back 12 monaths are available. Reconstructing data from the backups is possible under given circumstances (not for free): Kann ich gelöschte Daten aus der Befragung wiederherstellen?

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