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in SoSci Survey (English) by s110744 (190 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

I want to include semantic priming in my questionnaire to assess implicit associations for two concepts. Basically I would need a modification of the assignment task and my question is if it is possible.

For example I have a brand attribute (for example “stylish”) which should will be flashed up for ~ 250ms just before either the Apple or Samsung logo. Both combinations must be given to analyse the data properly afterwards. But since I do not need a response for "stylish" I was wondering how to include this in my questionnaire.

Thanks a lot in advance for helping me with that!

Kind regards,

closed with the note: There are no more information on this question.
by SoSci Survey (316k points)
Have you tired to set a prime in the respective item (select that from the list of questions just below the assignment question) of the assignment task?

I shall note that there is a module (involving costs) that has question types for implicit attitude measurement: IAT, BIAT, SC-IAT and the AMP.

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