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in SoSci Survey (English) by s029671 (120 points)


I created two questionnaires in two different languages. I would like to select randomly one of the two questionnaires. I followed the instructions presented on the following page:


I inserted the PhP code:

$qnr = value('RF01', 'label');

And created a new question of the type Random generator including both questionnaires as codes.

The problem is the following: The randomizer survey would always select the language version of the survey that corresponds to the language setting of the randomizer. For example, if the setting of the randomizer is language A, it would always present the survey in language A (although I included both language versions in the code).

Could you please help me with this issue?

Many thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (323k points)

I created two questionnaires in two different languages. I would like to select randomly one of the two questionnaires.

In my opinion, if it is the same questionnaire in both cases, it was a better idea to use the multilanguage feature and then use the function setLanguage() to select the (randomly chosen) language.

The problem is the following: The randomizer survey would always select the language version of the survey that corresponds to the language setting of the randomizer.

Are you already using a multi-language questionnaire? Then my recommendation is even more important. However, you may consider skipping the randomizer questionnaire (I assume this is what you mean with "randomizer") and just use the setLanguage().

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