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in SoSci Survey (English) by s099936 (130 points)

I want to customize my URL and i saw that the generated URL depends on the Server Name and the folder name.
i need something like this:
for project one: https://project_1/folder
for project two: https://project_2/folder
i already have multi domain name for my server so the question is: can i enter more than a server name in the admin interface and choose from that list when i'm creating a new questionnaire .?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (305k points)

If you're running a survey server on your own (you will need a software licence for that), you can map different domain names (that you have registered) to different folders (=the survey projects) on the server.

The how-to depends on the software running on the server, such as apache or nginx.

To make the whole thing work, you have to tick the "no access to higher-level folders" option in the project settings -> special settings.

by s099936 (130 points)
Yes i'm running a survey on my server and i have already the software license.
I'm using Apache, i already have a virtual host with my first domain name, should i set a new virtual host with my second domain name?
by SoSci Survey (305k points)
Yes, exactly. For the (second) virtual host with the second domain name, please use the project folder as Webroot.

If everything is properly configured, the secondary domain (without any folder in the URL) should show the questionnaire just like the original URL (with project subfolder in the URL) does.

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