0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s122585 (115 points)

I want to collect demographics, then administer 5 psychometric questionnaires. The questionnaires should be presented in random order, and the questions within each questionnaire should be presented randomly also. I found that to present items randomly within a single question, you simply select "shuffle/rotate randomly" in item settings. But is it possible to present each question, and each questionnaire randomly within a survey? I want to avoid order effects.

Thank you!

1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (328k points)

is it possible to present each question, and each questionnaire randomly within a survey?

Sure - although there are often statistical caveats in rotation everything. The "how" is explained here: Rotation.

To rotate the questionnaire parts of your survey, you will probablye be most interested in the setPageOrder() function.

by s122585 (115 points)
Great, I think setPageOrder() is just what I needed. I'll try that out!


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