0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s122537 (110 points)

I would like to upload the data of an existing and completed questionnaire. The questionnaire was also created in SoSciSurvey, but in a different profile. So that I already have the layout and everything I would like to use the existing data and questions of the first questionnaire. How does this work and what has to be considered?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (325k points)

I am not entirely sure what exactly you would like to import, here are some options...

... you can import a whole survey project (which will delete anything that is currently in the new project)

... you can import sections and/or questions (just download as XML and import in the new project) without doing any harm to the existing contents in a project.

... you can import a CSV file with collected data, as long as the variable names and response codes match the new project.

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