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in SoSci Survey (English) by s120615 (120 points)
closed by SoSci Survey

Hi everyone,

my questionnaire consists of 3 different options and thus 3 different parts in the middle of the survey.

After an introductory question, participants are forwarded to part A, B or C depending on their answer (filter function). After part A, B or C, I want to redirect every participant to the same final questions. This does not work with the filter function, especially since the last question of part A B and C are open questions.

I am looking for the following function: After part A, please jump to question 20. After part B, please jump to question 20. After part C, please jump to question 20.


by s109993 (12.2k points)

you can try goToPage: https://www.soscisurvey.de/help/doku.php/de:create:functions:gotopage

In your case maybe something like:

if (value('AB02_07') != '') {

You just have to insert that code the page after the end of part A, B, C and so on (+ adapt the question and page Numbers correctly).

Best wishes

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