0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s075828 (290 points)


Right now I want to use sosci survey login credentials in my tool so there won't be any need to create a separate registration. User can register in SoSci survey and later use this login credentials to login into my tool.

Is this possible ? If so, could you please tell me how to verify the user credentials against the credentials registered in SoSci survey ?

Note: I am able to get create a copy of the User data table from the soscisurvey database into my database.


1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (321k points)

We're talking about a local installation of SoSci Survey, do we? Which one? What is the program and database version installed on the server?

If you application is on the same server, you could just access the SoSci Survey's database and use PHP's password_verify() to check the password. If it's alright, you'd create a session like for any other login method.

We also have developed a login PlugIn to access the SoSci Survey user database from a different server. It works with strong encryption to transmit the requests. As you can image, this PlugIn is currently optimized for Q2A, but could work with nearly any software that allows for auth plugins.

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