0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s002793 (415 points)

I would like to use the zoom selection question type to present 9 pictures in a 3x3 grid. I can only seem to get them in one row. I tried using the Display Settings feature of the question in Compose Questionnaire, and split the question into two sets, however, this just overlays the images on top of one another. Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (328k points)
selected by s002793
Best answer

The "zoom selection" does only support one row. This has two reasons: First, it's not so simple to arrange the other images around, if there are multiple rows. Second, this question is used very rarely, and therefore got less attention than other questions.

If you just need the selection of images, but not necessarily a zoom, please try the default "selection" and change its display/layout settings so that it displays "cards". These can be arranged in a grid, and with little CSS you can also remoce the whitespace around images. If you like.

by s002793 (415 points)
That's unfortunate, but totally understandable. And the solution you suggest is what I ended up with as well and it works (not as fancy but functional :)). Thanks for the response!

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