I strongly recommend to solve this with a random generator or a urn. Although the urn solution is more efficient for combinations of (in this case) 3 factors, the random generator is more straightforward.
So, please create a random generator with 192 codes, e.g. 111 for a "no" in each of the three factors, 112 for a "yes" in the last one etc. Should be easy, using Excel.
The you need a bit PHP-Code to extract the three codes:
$code = value('RG01');
$factor1 = $code{0};
$factor2 = $code{1};
$factor3 = $code{2};
And finally use some placeholders to replace the 3 factors in ONE text element. I am convienced that this solution is more reliable and robust then using 100 pages. Here's an example code for one factor:
if ($factor1 == 1) {
replace('%text1%', 'Cat');
} elseif ($factor1 == 2) {
replace('%text1%', 'Dog');
} else {
replace('%text1%', 'Mouse');