0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s102432 (110 points)

When copy pasting questions from a word document, bold and/or italic parts of the sentences appears not bold or italic. How should I proceed in order to restate bold and/or italic parts?
Thank you

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

If using the "formatted text" option in a Text (created as "text" in a section), then formatting will be retained (WYSIWYG editor). However, there's also a lot of junk in the background (e.g. the font type and size) that I recommend to get rid off.

You will get the best results, if you do the formatting by using some Wiki or HTML code:
More details can be found in the manual about texts.

If you are talking about the text of a question, Wiki and HTML formatting are the only options. WYSIWYG editors too often cause confusion, because there are many situation, when unwanted artifacts from pasting screw up the layout.

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