0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s100319 (110 points)

Do companies also pay 49 € (plus tax) per month for the small package or is the price higher? Thank you very much in advance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

Thanks for asking. This already is the price for commercial use.

Many non-commercial users (esp. academic researchers) actually use SoSci Survey for free. But they are limited to www.soscisurvey.de, while the prepaid packages also allow using our pro server s2survey.net

My apologies that the comparison between the default and the pro server is currently available only in German. In short: (Even) better performance, (even) more reliability, (even) higher privacy protection standards, more disk space for media files, option for a data processing contract accoring to the GDPR.

by s100319 (110 points)
Thanks for the answer!

If I buy a prepaid package from my private account, can I indicate that the bill should be send to my company's address?
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
By default (if you did not check the paper invoice option), the invoice is sent as PDF via email.

If you write us a short email with the invoice address to be used, we will check your account the ensure that the invoice address will be correct. You can also create a second account for your company, and we can then cross-link your account ay employee-account to the new one. But if you don't bother, you can also put the company's address in your account when the shop asks for the address.

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