0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s306607 (130 points)
edited ago by SoSci Survey

First I created a textbox

I then dragged it above the html code that I wrote and called it using %input:TX01_01%

<!-- Chat Window -->
<div id="container">
    <div id="chat-window">
        <div id="chat-header">
            <img src="Group1.png" alt="Group">
            <span>Group Chat</span>
        <div id="messages"></div>
        <div id="input-bar">
            <button id="send-button" type="button">➤</button>

But an error appears:
There is no variable with the label TX01_01 in this project.
and the placeholder for the message from user only contains "%input:TX01_01%"

I am not sure where I am going wrong so any assistance would be much appreciated.

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (339k points)

Please check the "Variables" tab in your question. It will (probably) tell that the name of the variable is DV01_01, not IV01_01.

Consequently, use %input:DV01_01% in your HTML code, please.

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