0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s315190 (125 points)

In my questionnaire, I first want that they list some words, and give them some values in two following questions, so I have to use the data in question 1 for questions 2 and 3. I questions 2 and 3, I get this message, how can I hide it?

"One or more variables (A003_03) have already been asked on page 2. Please note that the answers from page 2 are shown here and that they will be subsequently replaced. If you require multiple similar questions, please create a copy of the question."

Same happens with "questionnaire error messages" related to the same issue

Thank you!

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (338k points)
selected ago by s315190
Best answer

If you ask the same question in the same case multiple times, this is an error in most designs. Because the previous answer is displayed and overwritten.

Usually, researchers wand all answers stored, and re-using a question will "lose" answers. This is why the warning is displayed.

Yet, it's only a warning. Respondents won't see it. If you're absolutely sure (and double-checked) that the data is available in the questionnaire as you need it, then just ignore notices (yellow) and warnings (orange).

If you're not absoltely sure, you read this manual: Multi-Level Structure

Same happens with "questionnaire error messages" related to the same issue

Error messages (red) will also show up in the questionnaire when a respondent answers. The above message will not appear as error. So, if any errors show up, please report what (exactly) they complain about.

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