0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s297844 (110 points)


I am currently conducting a study where a portion of my participants access the survey via TOR or VPN connections. Unfortunately, some participants are reporting they are unable to access the survey, while others can.

Thus, it appears you are restricting several TOR nodes and VPN access to our survey. We have been told others have experienced this issue in the past and that you are able to resolve it.

Thank you for your assistance!

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (339k points)

We do not restrict access by IP address.

However, single IP addresses are blocked temporarily (15 minutes) when trying to login with invalid credentals several times. So, it may be that a TOR node is temporarily blocked after some hacker tried attacking our server through that node.

That, however, should be an exception. If access does not work, other routing issues within the TOR network may also be an issue.

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