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ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s309623 (120 points)

Dear users and SoSci team,

here are two types of smiley symbols that are used for questionnaire questions with four characteristics. One type uses two unsatisfied, one neutral and one satisfied face and the other type uses two unsatisfied and two satisfied faces. However, if I am not mistaken, I can not choose the type. Therefore, people might get confused when comparing the rather satisfied with the neutral face. Any ideas?
Thanks and regards

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (338k points)

I am not sure about the format that you want to use the smilies for (single items or a matrix). But you may want to take a look at the "kunin scale" template (to be found when you create a new question) and the image scale.

You can modify both, yet, for the image scale, it's slightly more complex: Image scale

ago by s309623 (120 points)
Thank you, the matrix symbols work with (unsatisfied face, rather unsatisfied, rather satisfied, satisfied). It would be great to have the single questions in the same style. But I do not understand how to do that...
ago by SoSci Survey (338k points)
The "kunin scale" template uses a "horizontal selection" as base, and adds the smilies as separate image files, via HTML code <img>. This is what would be an easy solution for the single item question.

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