0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s314235 (110 points)

I would like to ask the community if there are any freelance professionals with expertise in programming surveys in SoSci who could be hired for a project on an hourly or daily rate. I have checked websites such as Upwork but have not been able to find anyone.

Many thanks

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (338k points)

"Programming Surveys" covers a very broad range between entering questions (which first-year students perform quite well on) and writing complex PHP code to do implement crazy research designs (which is something that a programmer is more apt to do).

What do you need?

ago by s314235 (110 points)
I'd say I need someone who can program complex research designs, including experiments, lots of branching, etc.
ago by SoSci Survey (338k points)
Most freelancers who can do programming will be able to help you with that. If you write to info@soscisurvey.de I can also forward your request to one or two freelancers who might be available. To my best knowledge a lot of the code writing is done by the acadmic projects themselves, as it's still uncommon (and requires some extra efforts in financing) in Germany (where the most users are located) to buy competence from "outside".

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