0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s285805 (125 points)

I have planned to do an intervention study where there will be two experimental groups and one control (three conditions in total). I want to have the same survey link and within it randomly assign participants to one of the three treatment groups!

But I want to collect their emails later for reward distribution. And it is essential that these emails be collected group wise. Will this happen automatically? Or if the main survey is only one with 3 divisions within it, then only one list of emails be provided by SoSCi survey at the end?

Does anyone have experience with this?
Please let me know.
If not I will have to circulate three different surveys so that at the end I have three different lists containing the emails groupwise. I understand this.

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (337k points)

Will this happen automatically?

No, you will have to create three copies of the question (not of the whole survey), and use a different question in each condition. The question ID will accompany the email adresse in the list. Give it a try!

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