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ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s126407 (235 points)


I need to make a question in which participants will be presented with 30 pairs of words that could either be synonymous or antonymous, and participants' task will be to answer whether the words in each pair are synonyms or antonyms by choosing either "=" for synonyms and for "<>" for antonyms. After selecting one of the two options (= or <>) participants should be automatically shown the next pair of words with no option of going back. So, this is similar to Assignment task. However, in the assignment task the "=" and "<>" options are very small, and placed laterally relative to the pair of words which are presented in much bigger font. The original design of this question is similar to polarity profile with two options, but I can't replace those checkboxes for "=" and "<>". I also tried close (close ended) where options "antonym" and "synonym" are present, but I don't want participants dragging and dropping content, because they have limited time to go through all 30 pairs of words. I also tried selection sequence, but the narrowing and centering of options also narrows the column in which the pair is presented. Can you point me to a way to make such question from existing templates (or from scratch) so that the question appears as on the attached picture? Thank you in advance.

ago by SoSci Survey (335k points)
If the assignment question has the proper behavior for your task, we shall start with that. However, I am not sure, if you'll not be limited by having only one word (instead of two) in that question type.

Visual edits (font size, positions) can usually be done via CSS. So, if you have a question that does the right thing, you can post a prestest URL, and we can help out with some CSS.

> or from scratch

That will require a lot of JavaScript learning. Not the easiest way, probably.

> The original design of this question is similar to polarity profile with two options, but I can't replace those checkboxes for "=" and "<>".

The scales would have a card layout one could enable, but not the polarity profile...

However, Writing some JavaScript to do that would be much easiert than writing a new question type. The disadvantage of the polarity profile is, that you will have to go from page to page (which can be automated but still triggers loading time) between the items.

So ... with what question type would you like to start?

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