0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s291395 (175 points)


I'm programming a multilingual survey. For most countries, language will be preset in the URL but for two countries (Switzerland and Belgium) respondents need to select one out of two languages (French or Swiss German / French or Dutch). I do not want to give these respondents all possible choices (seven languages), and my panel provider also only allows national languages.

Is there a way to present different language selections depending on a URL parameter specifying the country?

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (335k points)

You may just disable some options in the language selection, if you don't need them. Just replace the HTML code für the option by  

Another option would be to create a selection question (using the card layout and configuring an automatic "next" when clicked is useful here) that is only displayed in a specific language version:

if (getLanguage() == 'ger') {
  question('LG01');  // Language selection
} else {

In the response processing use setLanguage() to set the proper language, then.

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