Dear SoSci Survey,
Thank you for your rapid response.
Regarding query 1) the HTML code is up to date, this works fine in the preview and in the live version of the survey.
Regarding query 2) about the logo not updating. I have cleared the cache of the web browser (Microsoft Edge), I have updated the logo again and also tried to hard refresh the page (Ctrl + Shift + R) also with clearing the cache. In this case, I recieve an error message:
"Error: The server was unable to validate that you actively triggered the action. Please confirm that you are working on the right project and double check the data. If everything is fine, please submit, again."
I control that that project is accurate and I upload the logo again and press the "Save" button, but it still does not update the Preview below (or the live survey).
I have tried on a Chrome web-browser and experience the same behaviour, including the same error message.
I am happy to share screenshots of the error messages should this help troubleshoot the issue.