0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s251574 (110 points)
edited ago by SoSci Survey

Dear SoScie-Team,

about a year ago I archived a survey as an XML file and have now uploaded it again to take a screenshot and to create a survey based on it soon.
In the project that has now been created, however, the scales (vertical "temperature" scales) including their sliders are scaled to the maximum available width (in the respective window), regardless of the size in pixels previously set under "Frage bearbeiten, Schieberegler" (which leads to pages that are far too high and inevitably have to be scrolled).
I assume this is a bug in a new SoScie version. Or how can I prevent sliders and their scales from being expanded to the maximum available width in the current SoScie version?

Best regards

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (331k points)

We have well reworked the slider feature in the recent release. As your questions have been newly imported, SoSci Survey uses the new presentation rules for them.

After using the "save" button on the existing question, SoSci Survey will know the proper visual metrics. Then, it will scale the background image to the size that you specify in the question. Please give it a try.

ago by s251574 (110 points)
I have saved the question before and yeah, I tried, no, I did it again, but that does not change anything. The problem/bug remains:
Sliders are scaled to the maximum available width, regardless of the size in pixels set under "Frage bearbeiten, Schieberegler"!
ago by SoSci Survey (331k points)
Hmm. Would you allow me to create an administrator login for your project and take a look into the question? If yes, please tell the project's name and the question ID.

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