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in SoSci Survey (English) by s306279 (120 points)

Good afternoon. I am designing a questionnaire including three different sections. First section contains 14 questions. Second section contains 84 questions. Third section contains 82 questions. When I try to duplicate a question, I receive the following message:

"Error: There is a limit of 99 question per section, therefore the question could not be created."

However, as described, none of my sections contains more than 99 questions.

Could you please guide me to solve this issue?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (337k points)

When I try to duplicate a question, I receive the following message:

You have already have used the IDs up to 99. To rearrange the IDs, open the section and select "More" -> "Change Question IDs According to Positions".

You can, of course, also split your questions into multiple section. However, having such a large number of questions is an indicator of using the elements made available by SoSci Survey in a different way than they were intended to be used.

by s306279 (120 points)
Thank you for your feedback.

All sections created are part of an unique Survey project. If I create a new Survey project in order to redistribute the total number of IDs already described, will this work to not exceed the limit of 99?
by SoSci Survey (337k points)
The limit is simply that the ID of a new question must not exceed 99. SoSci Survey will always use the next available ID, so if a section has only a single question, but that uses the ID 98, then only one more question is possible.

You can move questions between sections or reset the numbers (so they start from 1 in each section), as described above. This is possible in an existing survey project and in a copy of the project, alike. The only reason not to reset the ID numbers would be that you're already collecting data, or that extensive PHP code refers to the current IDs.

> If I create a new Survey project in order to redistribute the total number of IDs

If none of the above restiction appies, creating a new survey project seems not neccessary to me. If I got the situation wrong, please go more into details.

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