0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s308529 (110 points)

Usually we present the same questionnaire several times during one experimental run. For that we use fixed time spans to automatically present the questionnaire, e.g. the questionnaire might be presented after 5 min and than again after 10 and 15 min. As time reference we use a "run" trigger that is send to each device that we use for the questionnaires. Is it possible to implement such a questionnaire in SoSci Survey?

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (331k points)

Let's start with the "run" trigger. You could create a second questionnaire in the survey project that does nothing but write the current timestamp to the datanbase for contents:

dbSet('runTime', time());

Now you can measue the time that has passed since that trigger in any other questionnaire in this project:

$info = gbGet('runTime');
$runTime = $info[0];
$passed = time() - $runTime;

This timespan can be used for PHP filters.

if (($passed > 300) && ($passed > 600)) {

This will show question AB01, for example, if the page is shown between 300 und 600 seconds after the "run" trigger.

Is that about what you were looking for?

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