0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s293678 (165 points)

When analysing data after a survey fieldwork is over, I found one record with value -8 in all options in a question.


The list of values in the variables include 1 to 11 as expected and -9 for options not answered.


I didn't find any information about this in the documentation or in the forum either.
Is that something to re-code? Or maybe just code as 'missing'?


1 Answer

+1 vote
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
selected by s293678
Best answer

-8 is the code for an invalid answer: Encoding and output values

If you offen a selection that allows for the codes 1, 2 or 3, and the browsers sends a "4", then -8 is stored.

One possibility is that a bot tried to answer your questionnaire. That often goes along wih TIME_RSI > 2.

Another possibility is that a user's browser tried for an automated translation of the page (questionnaire), and did also translate the response codes.

There may also be more explanations, but the point is: There is no useful data in this case.

by s293678 (165 points)
Thanks so much for the quick and detailed explanation. All is clear now!
Also, sorry I didn't find that information in the help pages.

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