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in SoSci Survey (English) by s293889 (110 points)
edited by s293889

I set the page order in my survey using PHP code to randomize the order of two question blocks presented to the participants. When a missing response is probed, filling in the missing answer and clicking 'Next' does not proceed to the next page. Instead, it reloads the same page, keeping the response that was previously entered. Clicking 'Next' again will then finally proceed to the next page.
I am aware of the previous answers to the same question already asked, but I could not solve my problem on this basis, unfortunately.

I checked the debug information and resolved the "No visible content on this page" warnings by using goToPage('next'). As far as I can see, no such warning is now involved with the page sequence handled by the setPageOrder code. However, the described issue still persists.
Mimicking the logic of the setPageOrder code by using setNextPage calls on the respective pages does not solve the issue either.

I do not understand how to apply the suggestion "use a goToPage() on that page and place the setPageOrder() on the next page" that solved the previously asked question to my own case.

What can I do about this? Many thanks in advance!

by SoSci Survey (335k points)
It sounds like your page order is a bit complicated. Hard to tell you a simple solution...

Would you allow me to create an administrator login to your project and take a look myself? What I would need for that was (a) the project's name, (b) the questionnaire - if you have more than one - where the issue occurs, and (c) the question that if not answered triggers the issue.

Alternatively, you may want to provide the debuug information from the two pages before the questions plus the debug information shown when you left the question unanswered and clicked "next".
by s293889 (110 points)
Thank you very much for replying so quickly! It would be great if you could take a look at the page composition yourself.

The name of the project is "Decision Study" and there is only one questionnaire associated with that project. The question triggering the issue is either "CH06" on page 41 or "CH07" on page 43, whatever is executed first according to the page order.

The page order is set on page 40 but depends on the random group assignment on page 20.
So, unfortunately, you would need to start on page 20 already, then click through the following pages until you reach the first "Which do you choose?" question. Leaving that blank leads to the issue I described. Most of the pages in between are for training purposes and can be skipped easily for debugging.

Thank you so much for your support!
by SoSci Survey (335k points)
When I skip from page 20 to page 40 via the orange bar on top, I get the error message "The apartment(s) you have chosen do(es) not appear in the dataset - Please check your typings." (even when typing names from the left column). Did I understand the question wrong, or do I have to visit another page before?

What I see is that you have a lot of pages without any output, such as 41 and 42. Please consider putting the PHP code on other pages, and also use the new feature that allows to put PHP code for processing the answers on the same page, using the button on the bottom of the page.
by s293889 (110 points)
Thanks for testing. I could not reproduce the error message you received. It is a custom response check that I implemented but it should not have been triggered. I do not receive it when following the workflow you described.

Let me say that I added some pages in the meantime, such that my original page numbers are not 42 instead of 40 for the pageorder and 43 instead of 41 for question "CH06" (46 instead of 43 for question "CH07" respectively).
For me, this worked as of now: starting on page 20 in debug mode, then skipping from there to page 42 using the orange bar on top. Leaving the two input fields blank and clicking 'next' then leads to the described issue. Does that work for you, too?

Thanks for hinting at the new feature, I will try processing the answers on the same page using PHP code wherever possible. Unfortunately, moving the PHP code to the end of previous pages does not work for pages 41 'weightlog' and 42 'pageorder' in particular, because I need to jump to these pages from different locations in the questionnaire depending on the randomization.
Would you recommend duplicating the PHP code on page 41 and 42 and moving it to the ends of these page locations, from where I currently jump?

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