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ago in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s300646 (110 points)

There are several randomizations that I want

3 experimental groups see
8 pictures out of 12 picture pairs (where you only see one picture each pair)

Currently, I chose to have three questionnaires
and within each question I use the rotation of pages.

I use for every picture pair 3 pages: (I do this 12 times)

a PHP for showing either this or that page which includes a random generator of the two pages
$pages = valueList('RG04', NULL, 'label');
2 pages with each an HTML for the picture

and then I have a bigger random generator with a PHP before all the other 12x3 pages
this random generator has 12 blocks (of each three pages) and the same PHP like before
In this random generator, I chose that only 8 pages should be drawn from the 12. This is what doesn't work I guess.

My problem is now:
When I start the demo of the questionnaire, a random number of pictures is shown to me. In the first try, there were only 5 pictures shown to me which doesnt make any sense to me.

How can I test this huge programmization for errors? What are ideas of yours that could be errors? How can I make this less complicated (and therfore less error-prone)?

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (328k points)

You cannot mix loopPage(), loopToPage(), setPageOrder() and setNextPage() or multiple instances of any of these commands. Any of these commands will stop and earlier page order and instead start the own one.

According to your description, this is the most likely explanation what happens.

I use for every picture pair 3 pages: (I do this 12 times)

Depending on what you do on these pages, this sounds like it may be where you do not need a setPageOrder().

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