i have three grpups and each group has 3 different Videos
Group 1: three different Videos from a Sportevent
Group 2: Three differen Videos from a SPortevent
Group 3: three differen Videos from a Sportevent
in total 9 different Videos.
I want that they are distributed qual to al respondends. For Example when i have 300 respondents. 100 saw a random video from group 1, 100 from group two ...
i now somehow managed it as a test with two videos that they randomize. But how can i do it for three different groups with three different videos within the groups. Also with different formats not only mp4. And how can i see after the Questionaire is in the field and i will analyze the data which respondent saw which video.
I have read all the information about randomization and Single-factorial experimental design
kindly regards