0 votes
ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s299154 (110 points)
edited ago by s299154

I want to show a scenario to each participant randomly and after that it records which scenario was shown and in the next page of my questionnaire I want to shuffle blocks. each block contains an explanation about a disorder and after that it asks two questions. Please pay attention that I just want to shuffle the order of one page blocks when showing not randomizing all questions or pages.

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (324k points)

after that it records which scenario was shown

I strongly recommend that you first record which scenario to show (use a random generator) and then present the proper scenario. But, as you wrote, this is not your question :)

Regarding the random block order, please start with this manual: Rotate Pages. It referes to block of pages, as well.

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