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ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s139686 (140 points)

Is there a way to ensure that the mailing for the second wave in a multi wave survey with self recruited respondents is sent through mailSchedule only if the participants filled out the questionnaire of the first wave to the end? Follow up/reminder emails have that option, but it seems to me that original mailings do not?

1 Answer

0 votes
ago by SoSci Survey (324k points)

SoSci Survey won't know that completion status of the first questionnaire, if that was not started via personalized link.

At what point of the questionnaire do you use the opt-in question? Have you considered using a second questionnaire for the first wave, that can only be filled out, if the opt-in confirmation link was clicked?

ago by s139686 (140 points)
Thanks for the quick reply! We have one questionnaire with the opt-in question, and then three waves (all as separate questionaires). But this way, they click the link in the email that comes after the opt-in questionnaire, and the mailSchedule is in the beginning of that other questionnaire (and then same for the other two time points).
ago by SoSci Survey (324k points)
> they click the link in the email that comes after the opt-in questionnaire

You could put some part of the first questionnaire wave into a questionnaire that comes after that click. When doing so, you'll need a dummy mailing that is never sent, but allows to make the first real mailing a follow-up that, again, can respond to the response status.

Or, you could simple put the mailSchedule() command on the last page of the first questionnaire. That may be an even more simple solution.
ago by s139686 (140 points)
Ah so putting it onto the last page should work? I tried that and the mailings were not being sent, but maybe it was a mistake somewhere on my part. Will try that again, thanks!
ago by SoSci Survey (324k points)
It needs to be on the page before the "last page" (I assume that you already meant that). If no mailings are sent, keep an eye on the debug information to find the reason.

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