0 votes
in SoSci Survey (English) by s296675 (110 points)


I am trying to upload a video that will be shown before 4 answer options.

I can upload images by following the video guide "HTML code and images" and using the HTML tag. When following the same steps for videos, the video does appear under "Listing of files" however without an HTML tag.

How can I create HTML tags for my uploaded videos or use videos with my questions in other ways?

Thanks in advance. :)

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (335k points)

How can I create HTML tags for my uploaded videos or use videos with my questions in other ways?

You can simply copy the necessary HTML code them from the manual Media Files in Questionnaires (Audio, Video, Documents).

We do not provide a default HTML code, because the individual requirement (see the manual) are very different and the HTML code may cover more then one file.

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