0 votes
in SoSci Survey (dt.) by s296552 (110 points)

Forgotten access data - mail does not arrive.

I have forgotten my password. I requested the ‘New password’ email several times at least an hour ago.

No message arrives. How do I get into my account?

Is the system down? Or what can I do?

1 Answer

0 votes
by SoSci Survey (324k points)

There are a lot of explanations:

  1. Your spam filter may prevent the email from arriving (you should be able to find it).
  2. Your mail provider's spam filter may reject the email (you won't be able to find that).
  3. You have registered with another email address or changed the email address at some point of time.
  4. You may not have registered an account on www.soscisurvey.de, but on a local university server.

I guess that you have registered a new account to ask this question? I see a second account with the same name, using an university email address.

The server logs tell me that today 13:42:08 (UTC) an email was sent to the university server, and accepted for delivery. If it did not arrive, the error is on the universities side. I will send you the message details via email.

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