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ago in SoSci Survey (English) by s024483 (245 points)


I discovered a small mistake in soscisurvey. I have used a 101-point scale on a two-sided slider. That means that the values ranged from 1 to 101, as is the default for these types of items. Yet, in the documentation (when I click on the printer symbol) and enable the variable view, it this is displayed as follows:

This caused some confusion for me, when I wrote my paper based on the data, as I assumed that I had used a 100 point scale when it was in fact a 101 point scale. As I use the pdf of the questionnaire/variable view as documentation, it could look to others accessing the document like I have described the scale inaccurately in the paper.

I wanted to point this out to you, as I use soscisurvey a lot and it would be great if this could be fixed, even though it appears to be just a minor error.

ago by SoSci Survey (321k points)
Thanks for this note. We will check and eventually fix that, and we'll keep you informed.

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